Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much



Our Team

Over the past 13 years our staff has grown from 1 person to a team of 22. God has been so faithful as he has provided and called the right people to join our team.  In the words of Hellen Keller "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"


Kenyan Team


Benjamin oversees our sponsorship program in Kenya and gives leadership to our staff at the Project Lucas Community Center. He is married to Karist and has a ton of kids in his home!  He is a graduate of  Zenith University.


Silas serves as our Kenyan Director. He gives leadership to our team and all the ministry in Kenya. He is married to Beth and a father to two amazing boys. He is a pastor and has several degrees from various colleges and universities. 



Isabel serves as the Headmaster to the Project Lucas Academy. She has three amazing children and is married to Sylvester. She has 20 years of experience as a teacher in Kenya. 


"Auntie" serves as our main cook at the Project Lucas Academy. She is a humble person who loves to cook and loves to serve every child she prepares a meal for every day. She is a mother to four amazing children. 


Rispa has been a dear friend of the Dishongs for over 18 years. She is our "cultural specialist" and assists in all of our missions trips. She helps our teams understand Kenya and its cultural, traditions, and customs. 


"Mama Joyce" serves at Project Lucas by cleaning and helping in the kitchen. She is a humble servant who has four amazing children. 


Our Teachers

They are the life blood of the Project Lucas School. They serve and teach the precious children that attend the Project Lucas School .

American Team

 is an amazing volunteer who serves our sponsors as our sponsorship coordinator. She is here to answer any questions you might have concerning your sponsorsed child. She is married to Mike and has two amazing kids. 

 is a youth pastor in Texas and has traveled to Kenya at least 6 times. He has a passion for discipleship with students. He assists our missions team members in discipleship with Kenyan teenagers. Jameson is married to Mallory and has one amazing son.


The Dishongs are the founders of Project Lucas. Scott serves as the Executive Director. He loves providing leadership to our team, and REALLY LOVES leading missions trips to Kenya. Alisa serves with the accounting department and is our jack-of-all-trades in the U.S. Office.  Lucas, known as "the Lucas" of Project Lucas, was born in Kenya. He helps lead our missions trips and is a huge cheerleader of Project Lucas with everyone he meets.


Daniel Wiebe -- President
 Homestreet Bank
Seattle, Washington

Rosie Check -- Vice President
Healthcare Consultant 
Virginia Beach, Virginia 

Pastor Jameson Barker -- Secretary
Prestonwood Baptist Church 
Celina, Texas

 Pastor Jerry Flug -- Treasurer 
Coastal Church
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Debbie Johannes
U.S. Senate
Corydon, Indiana

Pastor Scott Randlett
Dan River Church
Danville, Virginia

Scott Dishong -- Founder
Executive Director, Project Lucas
Virginia Beach, Virginia  

Alisa Dishong -- Co-Founder (non-voting member)
Office Manager, Project Lucas 
Virginia Beach, Virginia