Changing the World One Child at a Time



While Scott and Alisa Dishong were living in Nairobi, Kenya serving as missionaries, they felt led to adopt a baby boy. His name was Lucas. While going through the adoption process, they were burdened by the extreme poverty that they saw in Kenya every day.

The average Kenyan lives on less than $2 a day, and there are over 3 million orphans in Kenya. Because of these statistics, and along with the joy that Lucas brought them, they felt a call to help other Kenyan children that were less fortunate.



One day during the adoption process, Scott met a little girl named Mary. Mary’s parents could not afford to send Mary to school even though she only lacked a 50 cent notebook. This inspired Scott and Alisa to not only help Mary go to school but also to help other children attend school. So along with some dedicated friends, they decided that God was leading them to move back to The States and start a non-profit 501c3 organization. 

Thirteen years later, thousands of children and their families have been given hope for a better future through Project Lucas. Lucas has taught us all that we cannot change the entire world, but...

we can change the entire world of one child.

Our Mission          Sponsor a Child

Today, Project Lucas supports:

  • The Project Lucas Academy
  • The Margret Dishong Scholarship Program.
  • A Child Sponsorship Program 
  • Backpacks for Africa
  • Annual Mission Trips

Our Strategy