changing the world one trip at a time!



Make a lasting impact in Kenya by joining Project Lucas on mission. On these trips, you’ll meet and serve some of the most impoverished children and families just outside of Nairobi.

All of our short-term mission trips give participants a chance to discover a deeper level of compassion within themselves.  Most trips include distributing backpacks while sharing the gospel to hundreds of families, working at the Project Lucas Community Center assisting our Kenyan staff, loving and caring for our sponsorship children, visiting sponsorship families, light construction work, and many other opportunities to share Christ’s love. It also includes a two-day safari, shopping, and a visit to Kenya’s oldest tea farm.

Our US staff and Kenyan staff at Project Lucas will arrange everything for the entire team’s trip (excluding purchase of airline tickets for you/your team) in country. This trip is a life-changing and our team will make sure that you have an experience that will last a lifetime while making a lasting impact on those in need.

Trip Policies        Trip Timeline Checklist 

Trip Info Sheet   Sample Support letter

Past Trip Video     Overview of Project Lucas Video

What you need to know!
Click on the quesion for the answers

What happens on a Project Lucas Mission Trip?

We will travel to Ruiru, Kenya, just outside the capital city of Nairobi. You will help share the gospel to thousands of children and their families by distributing backpacks. The team will also serve at the Project Lucas Academy and Community Center, ministering and loving on the 200+ children and 90 families that are part of the Project Lucas sponsorship program. You will visit their homes, play with their children, and help them grow in their walk with the Lord by sharing Christ and participating in disciplship opportunities. You will also have the opportunity to see the amazing wild animals that live in the Masai Mara on our 3-day safari.

When is the next trip?


The following dates are IN-COUNTRY dates and do not include travel time to/from Kenya.

June 8-18, 2025 - Open to individual team members and Morris Hill Baptist Church

June 20-29/30, 2025 - Closed to individual team members. Prestonwood Baptist Church, Thomas Road Baptist Church, Dan River Church, Coastal Church: Please contact the trip coordinator from your church to register.  (we have a few spots on this trip open)


If these dates are not available for you or your group, click here to request other dates. We will contact you and do our best to schedule a trip for you/your group.

What is needed to go?

1. A passport: Go to your local post office or apply online (

2. Shots recommended by the Center for Disease Control (

3. The necessary funds for in-country costs

4. An airline ticket (not included)

5. A Project Lucas Missions Trip Survey (click here)

6. A great attitude to serve others

What shots do I need?

Yellow Fever and Tetanus immunizations are required for travel to Kenya. Immunizations recommended for travel to Kenya include up-to-date routine vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Malaria, Typhoid, and Tetanus. Visit your local Passport Health office or find more information at Project Lucas provides additional travel information and tips during video training sessions.

Where do we sleep and eat?

The Heart Lodge is a missionary guest house. Once used as a golf and safari resort, it is now used for short term mission groups (see pics below). Their website is

How can I request more information?

Are you a group leader, individual or family desiring to serve alongside Project Lucas or have a few questions?

Click here

Missions Info Sheet

Missions Trip Policies 

Missions Trip Timeline Check List

Set up a Call  | Email our Executive Director at [email protected]

How do I sign up?

Click here to register and pay the $100 deposit if you are joining a trip as an individual team member. If you are part of a church group, please contact the trip coordinator with your church to register.

Please write in the comments who the deposit is designated for and the dates of the trip you would like to go on. If the trip is canceled, your deposit will be refunded to the original form of payment.

We will contact you very soon!

Can I donate towards someone else's trip?

Definitely! Click here to donate.

(Please write in the comments section the name of the person whose trip you are donating towards.)

Got MORE Questions?

Email Scott, our Executive Director!

[email protected] 

We are a Christian non-profit organization. Our purpose is to help children and families in Kenya that live in extreme poverty to see, feel, and hear the Gospel while equipping them to escape poverty. Project Lucas is governed by a board of trustees that oversees the use of our resources and work. Project Lucas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.